
Responsible Production

Snappin’ Turtle has adopted Film London & Interreg Europe’s Green Screen Sustainable Filming Guidelines.


  • Clients – collaborate with brands that are prioritising social responsible initiatives. 
  • Creative Development – encourage content that promotes environmental awareness, lower carbon and circular economy solutions and social responsibility.
  • Utilise remote and hybrid work flows to reduce employee transport emissions.

On-Site Filming

  • Transportation – promote public transport, carpooling, use of electric or hybrid vehicles, and minimise travel distances, including remote and virtual production techniques.
  • Circularity – we’re committed to circularity principles and reduce, reuse and recycle across all aspects of the production process 
  • Catering – choose locally sourced meal options and avoid excessive food waste.
  • Location Selection – prioritise locations that minimise disruption to natural habitats.

Post-Production Editing

  • Digital Workflow – minimise paper usage by adopting digital editing processes.
  • Distribution – encourage digital distribution methods to reduce physical media production.






  • Staff and Stakeholder Engagement – communicate sustainability objectives to all team members and production staff.
  • Training – provide guidance on responsible production practices for crew members during the onboarding process and PPM.
  • Regular Audits – conduct periodic audits to assess compliance with the policy.

Industry Collaboration

  • Utilise resources from BAFTA Albert, Film London and Interreg Europe’s Green Screen Sustainable Filming Guidelines.
  • Keep up to date with industry best practices and continually review new ways we can remain sustainable in production.

Peter Hajipieris

Independent Chief Sustainability Advisor - Peter Hajipieris FIFST

Working across iconic FMGC brands Tesco and Birds Eye, Peter Hajipieris has been at the forefront of global sustainability for 25 years.

Peter has forged the international integration of industry-first, purpose-led sustainability programmes. This has enabled and empowered the cultural re-alignment of brands and suppliers to embrace sustainability as a fundamental way of doing business.

His work identifying sustainability pain-points creates a powerful narrative, allowing Snappin’ Turtle to deliver authentic and factually correct sustainability storytelling.

Environmental, social, and governance

Social Responsibility

  • Diversity and Inclusion: We promote a diverse and inclusive workplace, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees regardless of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation.
  • Employee Well-Being: We prioritise the health and well-being of our employees by providing a safe and healthy work environment, promoting work-life balance, and offering professional development opportunities.
  • Community Engagement: We support local communities by collaborating with local talent, participating in community events, and engaging in charitable activities.
  • Ethical Content Creation: We are committed to producing content that respects human dignity, promotes positive social values, and avoids harmful stereotypes.



Ethical Documentary Production and Consent

  • Informed Consent: We ensure that all individuals featured in our documentaries give informed consent before filming. We provide clear information about the purpose of the documentary, how the footage will be used, and the potential impacts on participants.
  • Respect and Dignity: We respect the dignity and rights of all individuals and communities we film. We avoid exploitative content and ensure that our documentaries portray subjects in a fair and respectful manner.
  • Participant Engagement: We engage with participants throughout the production process, discussing the content and context in which their contributions will be used. We seek their input and approval before finalising the footage.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: We prioritise the confidentiality and privacy of our participants. Personal and sensitive information is handled with the utmost care and only shared with explicit consent.
  • Ethical Storytelling: We are committed to truthful and accurate storytelling. We avoid sensationalism and strive to present balanced and well-researched narratives that respect the complexity of the issues and individuals involved.


We adhere to high standards of corporate governance to ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour:

  • Ethical Business Practices: We conduct our business with integrity, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and adhering to ethical standards in all our operations.
  • Transparency and Accountability: We maintain transparent business practices, regularly communicating our ESG performance and progress to stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We engage with our stakeholders, including clients, employees, suppliers, and the community, to understand their perspectives and address their concerns.
  • Risk Management: We identify and manage risks related to our business operations, including environmental, social, and governance risks, to ensure long-term sustainability.

To ensure the effective implementation of this ESG policy, we will:

  • Assign responsibility for ESG matters to a senior executive or designated team.
  • Regularly review and update our ESG practices and policies to reflect evolving best practices and stakeholder expectations.
  • Monitor our ESG performance through established metrics and report our progress annually.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging feedback and suggestions from employees and stakeholders.